
In year 1968 the Gujarat Government raised Electricity duty from one paisa per 3 units to 2 paisa per unit, an impact was 600% high duty. It was considered desirable to form Gujarat Cold Storage Association to represent the case of cold storage industry before Gujarat Government; protect interests of the industry at State and National level. The initiative was taken by Shri Shashikant M. Parekh, Saurashtra Canning & Cold Storage Co., Rajkot and Shri Ghanshyambhai G. Thakkar, Thakkar Cold Storage, Bhavnagar and has been supported by P. C. Chib of Ahmedabad. Mr. Ghanshyambhai G. Thakkar and Mr. Shashikant M. Parekh were nominated as First President and First Secretary of Gujarat Cold Storage Association.

Who We Are

Cold storage industry is vital in nature and critically important for food supply chain.  It involve storage of goods at a particular temperature atmosphere till the time of transportation/consumption Without loss of it’s quality. Today the mindset of consumer is changing the cold storage in India are moving from single commodity to multi commodity, the budding need to have modern cold Storages is becoming a popular concept. Gujarat  having 10 Airport and 41 ports, longest Coastal belt having six agro climatic Zone can produce varied type fruits and vegetable. Gujarat is power surplus state with Agri growth rate is in double digit. All these factors have opened a multitude of opportunities to enter and expand Refrigeration sector like potato cold store, onion cold store, Ice cream cold Store Meat cold storage Fruit and vegetable Processing, Blast freezing, CA cold store for apple, Lemon, Ripening chamber for Banana, Mango etc.

Gujarat Cold Storage Association establish in the year 1968 with a view to support cold storage operator in the field of plant operations, potato production details and guide the members for best practice of scientific storage. Today in comparison to total strength in the country. Gujarat has only 6% cold storage in number i.e. 300 cold storage is working out of which 213 store potato as main commodity 60 cold store for fishery & meat and rest is for multi commodity storage. Gujarat Cold Storage Association try to understand needs of Member, Exchange latest information of our industry, Potato production, storage and marketing details. GCSA also maintain contact with potato research institute. 60% of our cold storage is having age of 15 years or more. GCSA educate member for up gradation of their plant and thermal insulation with Govt. Incentive. To achieve this series of meeting perform with the help of Horticulture department in every cluster of cold storage. Our monthly bulletin enrich our member with knowledge of changes in the field of modern design & Technology of cold storage industry and development activities in other parts of country. GCSA generously extended help to flood & Earthquake victims. Such Mission and activities like expos and Road Shows act as base for close interactions between buyers and sellers thus act as a catalyst for the cold storage industry in Gujarat Which has begun to evolve at a high rate.

GCSA also maintain contact with govt. authorities like Gujarat vij nigam Itd. food corporation of India ltd. various state Govt. departments potato research institute to understand prospect of our industry and for submission of our members problems and difficulties. Energy saving drive under taken by GCSA with Govt. incentives and support from energy auditor, Website of GCSA  www.gcsa.in is useful for agri commodity preservation details, cold storage location & capacity in different part of Gujarat, vendor details for member and information of events. GCSA hold AGM in different part of country where machinery manufacturers display their products and invited experts tech latest practice of cold storage operations. Members also submit their problem and give valuable suggestion to office bearer of association.

The Challenges

Cold storage industry is High risk capital with Low margin. Availability of a Land at a reasonable rate, poor support from Refrigeration transport, Optimum utilisation of Cold storage space High power cost and availability of Labour are key issue to resolve. considering such factors it require planned development in the country.

Mission T-2

Since India produce highest in potato production after china in the world, Out of 5386 cold store in the country having storage capacity of 24 Million tons appox. 77% cold Store opt. potato as a main storage commodity GCSA observe weight loss during storage period ranging from 3 to 5 % may decrease to 1/2 % if  we translate technology from department of science & technology. Who successfully experimented at CSIO with help of CPRI. Temperature, Humidity carbon dioxide Precisely maintain by computer resulting reduction in weight loss and maintaining quality of produce. we may store other commodity like carrot cabbage watermelon also in such atmospheric conditions.